The Centre for Cultural Value emerged as an outcome of The Cultural Value project. Supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the project looked into the question of why the arts and culture matter, and how we capture the effects that they have.
Moving On Symposium, Artlink West Yorkshire. Photo: Sally Molineaux
In this film, our Co-Director Anne Torreggiani talks to Professor Geoff Crossick and Dr Patrycja Kaszynska about The Cultural Value project and how it led to the Centre for Cultural Value.
The Cultural Value project
In 2012 the Arts and Humanities Research Council launched the Cultural Value Project, led by Professor Geoffrey Crossick. The project took a fresh look at the subject of cultural value. It explored the question of why the arts and culture matter, and how we capture the effects that they have.
Some 70 original pieces of work collectively made up the Cultural Value Project – a mixture of new research, critical reviews of the literature and specialist workshops. This work probed, challenged and advanced our thinking about how better to understand and capture the value of culture.
The project and its subsequent report, Understanding the Value of Arts and Culture by Geoffrey Crossick and Patrycja Kaszynska, opened up a fresh approach to thinking about the value of culture. It highlighted that thinking about cultural value needs to give far more attention to the way people experience their engagement with arts and culture.
A second Cultural Value report in 2018, by Patrycja Kaszynska, identified that one of the biggest and most pressing challenges in understanding cultural value is creating communities of interest and practice across sectors. As a result, the report recommended that a new entity – a collaborative Centre for Cultural Value – be set up.
The Centre launched in 2019 and set out our vision for the future in our manifesto.
