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Partnership and collaboration underpins all our work and helps us to draw on a rich range of insights, evidence and practice. We can only achieve our vision by working with and listening to a range of people with different ideas, knowledge, skills and experiences.

We work in partnership with national organisations, networks and research institutions so that collectively we can advance understanding of cultural value in the UK and internationally.

Fun Palaces, Feltham. Photo: Helen Murray

Affiliate partners

Our network of affiliate partners support the Centre’s mission to build a shared understanding of the differences that arts, culture and heritage make to people’s lives and to society.

They are organisations with a national or strategic remit. They help us to reach their networks, co-deliver projects and promote an evidence-based approach to policy and practice.

Our affiliate partners:

Arts Marketing Association
Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy
Association of British Orchestras
BBC Research & Development
Bradford 2025
British Library
Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers Association
Contemporary Visual Arts Network
Coventry 2021
Creative Ageing Development Agency
Creative & Cultural Skills
Creative Lives
Cultural Learning Alliance
Culture Counts
Culture Forum North
Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance
Eden Court Theatre
Edinburgh International Festival
Galway 2020 & NUI Galway

Happy Museum
Historic England
Imperial War Museum
Leeds 2023
Leeds City Council (Culture & Economy)
Museums Association
National Centre for Creative Health
National Theatre
National Theatre Scotland
National Theatre Wales
Natural History Museum
OneDance UK
Opera North / DARE
Royal Society of Arts
Scottish Contemporary Art Network
Science Museum
The Audience Agency
Visitor Studies Group

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