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Engaging with our research reviews

Engaging with our research reviews

Want to know about our research process and how you can be a part of it?

Read a step-by-step guide detailing how we put together our research reviews below.

Photo: University of Leeds

Our research reviews are shaped in consultation with practitioners, researchers and policymakers so they are as useful and relevant as possible. 

There are a number of ways you can contribute to this process, including sharing your knowledge and research priorities via surveys, interactive workshops and policy round tables. This helps us to develop research review questions that we can find answers to in the literature. 

Our research process

Once we have drafted a research digest, it is reviewed and commented on by an expert in that area of research and practice so that our own methods can be appraised and remain as transparent as possible. 

We publish reviews on our resource hub, share them in our monthly newsletters and host events where the findings and recommendations for future research can be discussed from a variety of perspectives.

We also share any policy recommendations with relevant funders and policy makers. 

Finally, we welcome your input at any stage if you feel we have missed any key literature in any of our reviews. 

Graphic shows five stages in a linear lay out (top to bottom) 1. Text says "Asking the rigght questions.... We identify the questions you want answered by talking to practitioners, researchers and policymakers via surveys, workshops and round tables" There is a magnifying glass icon to the right of the text. 2. Text says "... so our research is relevant and useful. We review existing research on a topic focusing on the questions you want answered". To the left of the text is an icon of a piece of paper with writing on it. 3. Text says "Inviting experts to review. An expert reflects on our draft findings and works with us to make improvements" To the right of the text is an illustration of a person, speech bubble and paper. 4. Text says "Sharing our findings. We publish accessible research digests, as well as hosting webinars and podcasts." To the left of the text is an icon of a podcast microphone. 5. Text says " Keeping up to date. Things move quickly so we review our findings one year later to see what's changed." To the right of the text is an illustration of a circle with arrows moving around.

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