Our impact
Our mission is to enrich lives by building an equitable, confident and sustainable cultural sector. We do this by helping to ensure cultural policy and practice are underpinned by rigorous research.
As part of our work, we are committed to reflecting on our own methods and impact and sharing our successes and learning with our audiences.
Photo: English Touring Opera (Credit: Julian Guidera)
Our 2019 – 2024 review
The Centre was established in 2019 after receiving funding from the UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council, Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Our aim has been to develop a shared understanding of the differences that arts, culture and heritage make to people’s lives and society.
In late 2023, we commissioned an external evaluation to consider our impact and to help inform the Centre’s future work.
With this evaluation report as our basis, in summer 2024, we brought together an overview of the Centre’s first five years. This summary highlights work across our three key areas of work: research, evaluation and policy.
You can read our five-year review here or download it below:
Working together
Are you interested in building a better understanding of the role that culture plays in our lives?
Keep in touch to hear about resources, events and opportunities to shape our research and get involved. You can also contact us to share your thoughts or request our evaluation reports in different formats.

